Frequently Asked Questions is a website dedicated to helping players of the online shooter game Escape from Tarkov. It provides a range of resources and services to assist players in navigating the challenging gameplay of Tarkov on our Discord server, including guides, tutorials, tips, and strategies. The website is designed to help both new and experienced players improve their chance finding the Rougue Bosses from EFT, and enhance their overall experience. Whether you're looking for advice on how to complete a mission, want to know more about a particular weapon, or need help with anything else related to Tarkov, & our Discord is the place to be.

The Goons, consisting of Knight who is the boss, and Bigpipe, and Birdeye who are Knight's followers, each possess distinct personalities. threatening, he still poses a danger if you let your guard down around him. On the other hand, Bigpipe's possession of a Grenade Launcher warrants extra caution in your interactions with him. However, it is Birdeye who is the most formidable member of the group, given his exceptional stealth and unparalleled visual acuity. Furthermore, you should be prepared for his sudden appearances, as he moves without making any discernible footstep sounds.

Rotation chance percent Determines the likelyhood of the Goons rotating from the current map. The calculation is based off what we know to be the average time Goons spend on maps. The Goons spend a minimum of 3 hours per map. The Goons can even rotate from the map their own to the map their on. I.E: Customs > Customs, and spend a total of and extra 3 hours on a map.

Maybe No matter what region you reside you will still see the Goons. However, users have seen the Goons most commonly on US Central, and US West. (Example: Goons spotted in EU, You will see them at the same location on NA.)

No. Not anymore, if you spot the Goons as a scav, they will attempt to shoot you. Make your best attempt to kill the Goons as a scav since your karma is not impacted.